Land Acknowledgement
I recognize that retreat center building site occupies the ancestral lands of the Abenaki tribes. I see and respect the uninterrupted stewardship of this indigenous land. This acknowledgement does not take the place of authentic relationships with indigenous communities, but serves as a first step in honoring the land we are on.
Distributive Justice Fund
Healing should be available to all. Personal and collective health and healing sustain one another. As such, healthcare providers and institutions should work towards eradicating cultural and socioeconomic barriers to accessing care, transforming racist, discriminatory, oppressive systems, and ensuring trauma-informed, safer spaces where each person is seen and honored for their whole self and the intersections of personal, familial, environmental, cultural, and collective resources and challenges that individuals bring into healing spaces.
As a small measure of solidarity and reparations, I donate 10% of profits to The Loveland Foundation.